
Butt Lift Surgery

A Butt Lift is a surgery that removes excess skin and fat that may cause sagging buttocks to add contour to the waist, hips and back of the thighs.

A buttock lift or butt lift is purely a cosmetic plastic surgery that is more concerned with improving the tone and tautness of the skin rather than adding structure or volume to the backside. A true buttock lift is an invasive surgical procedure that requires several incisions, general anesthesia and about four weeks in recovery time.

People commonly mistake a buttock lift with other procedures such as buttock implants and body contouring. A butt lift surgeon simply raises and tightens the skin over the buttocks. Buttock implants add volume and structure to the posterior and lower body contouring involves the use of liposuction to contour the shape of the buttocks by vacuuming out excess fatty tissue. In essence, buttock implants are used to make a rear end look bigger and rounder and liposuction is used to make a rear end look smaller. The purpose of a buttock lift is to make the rear end appear less saggy, dimpled or wrinkled.

To perform a butt lift, a plastic surgery specialist makes an incision along the lower back, spanning from hip to hip. The surgeon pulls the excess skin below the incision to lift the buttocks and outer thighs. The extra skin is then removed.

A buttock lift is often part of a total body lift or a lower body lift, which is common after weight loss surgery. It can take about two hours to perform by itself, with general anesthesia typically being used. Most people who have buttock lifts go home the next day; however, the hospital stay may be longer if other procedures are performed simultaneously.

There is usually some postoperative pain that can be managed with medications. Abdominal binders are generally worn for six weeks to help prevent fluid buildup and provide support during the healing process. Swelling may last for up to three months, and the full cosmetic results are visible within a year.

Who is a good candidate for a Buttock Lift?
A good candidate for a Buttock Lift surgery is a patients who:
- Lost skin elasticity in the buttock area due to extreme weight loss or aging.
- Has a saggy appearance in the buttock area due to hormonal changes, extreme weight loss or aging.
- Has thighs with a wrinkled, dimpled or flabby appearance due to lack of exercise or cellulite.
- Has buttocks that appear asymmetrical or lumpy due to burns, wounds or other types of trauma.
