
Silicone Butt Implants

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants have been available for more than 60 years. Modern silicone implants used for Body Contouring enhancement are soft, flexible and durable - safe and reliable. Silicone has come under fire since the early 1990's because of the silicone gel used in breast implants which was alleged to have caused autoimmune disease in some women. Highly controlled studies since that period have proven that silicone does not cause disease of any kind. Body Contouring Implants are made of solid silicone - soft but still solid without the controversial characteristics of silicone gel. Solid silicone has never been alleged to cause any disease in the human body.

Plastic Surgery Implants are made of the same silicone that surrounds many cardiac pacemakers. Most joint replacement parts are made with either solid silicone or coated with silicone to reduce the body reaction to the replacement part. No problems have ever been attributed to the silicone of these implants which is identical to the silicone of Plastic Surgery Implants.

Research has produced the current implants for body augmentation which are now soft and pliable and approach the same consistency as the tissue into which the implants are placed.

Silicone is available in many forms ranging from a liquid similar to water on through firmer consistencies that may be as firm as bone. Because of this ability to form a range of densities, and silicone's minimal tissue reaction, silicone implants are able to be used as static replacements for tissue deficiencies in many areas of the body. Almost everyone is familiar with breast implants used to augment women's breasts. These implants (which were the first silicone implants available for commercial use) were developed to mimic the consistency of fat in the female breast and were first made with silicone gel. Body contouring implants are solid silicone implants that have gradually been developed to the consistency of muscle tissue for which most of the implants are designed to augment.
